
Why Does My Dog Lick My Feet – Unveiling the Science Behind Feet licking in Dogs

There is one trait that every dog out there manifests – they like to lick! They lick their own paws, they lick the furs of their fellow dogs, and yes, they lick you. One way that you would witness your dog doing quite frequently is to find them licking your feet. Have you ever wondered why does your dog lick your feet? Let us find out.

Quick Answer

There are several reasons why your dog likes to lick your feet. It may be because of the empathy, it may be their way of showing love and affection, or maybe it is just because your feet have several different odors. It can also be because of the taste of your feet. Usually, licking is a way to show affection, as dogs use licking as a means of bonding. They may also do so to kill anxiety or boredom. Attention-seeking is another reason for licking your hands and feet.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Feet?

Several theories  and reasons have been put forth to explain the weird canine behavior of licking feet. They often lick your feet for no apparent reason. Unless it gets too excessive and obsessive behavior, there is nothing you need to worry about.

why is my dog licking my feet

Dogs may lick their owners and their feet for a host of reasons, some of which may include

Affection and grooming

Licking is a way to show affection in dogs or even in cats. This is an  instinctive behavior that they learn from their mother who uses licking as a means of creating a bond and a way to groom. As the dog grows into an adult, it continues to show this behavior and licks their owners to show their love and affection for them.

When your dog licks you or your feet, it indicates that it is feeling comfortable with you. It considers you as one of them.

Seeking information about us

Licking your feet can also be a dog’s way to familiarise itself with you. Dogs come with an incredible sense of taste and smell, which they use to learn about their surroundings. This includes the humans they interact with. That apart, they are also observed to be attracted to stinky smells. That would mean stinky feet should be the prime attraction for your dog. This will make the dog, sniff at, lick and even nibble at your toes.

The smell of your feet also gives out a lot of information about you – the places you have been to, your emotional state and your individual odor. Dogs do have an incredible strength to understand the changes in the body chemistry of humans. By licking at your feet, they may understand the state of your well-being and mood. They use clicking as a means to have a better understanding of you and thereby establish a better relationship with you.

Seeking attention

Most of the time, dogs seem to be licking your feet to seek attention. Dogs typically use licking behavior to catch your focus and interact with you. Dogs have learned over the years that licking their feet results in a response from their humans. They have learned over their lifetime that licking feet elicits a praise, a grooming, a pet or a treat.

Sometimes we tend to giggle or laugh when dogs lick our feet, and this can further make your dog develop the licking behavior to strike the cord with you.

Anxiety and stress

Dogs – like us humans go through the phases of anxiety and stress. Many dogs use licking as self-soothing behavior. Licking your feet when under stress can make your dog calm down. Licking releases endorphins in your dog, which in turn induces a claiming sensation. It helps in alleviating the stress and providing comfort.

Licking invariably diverts their attention and thus works as a temporary relief from any emotional distress that your dog may be going through. If the feet licking is within the acceptable limits, it may be a natural phenomenon. However, if you find it getting too excessive and repetitive in nature, it may indicate a compulsive disorder in your dog. In such a scenario, a visit to the veterinarian may be necessary.


Boredom is yet another possible reason that may force your dogs often to licking feet. Dogs are invariably intelligent animals that love social interaction – either with their own folks or with the humans. If they do not get enough physical and mental stimulation, they are more likely to get bored. When they get bored quite often, they may indulge in repetitive behaviors. Licking your feet may be one of them.

Licking provides your dog with a kind of sensory engagement to your dog thereby offering it the much-needed comfort when it has nothing else to do. Since your feet tend to be easily accessible, they love indulging in licking your feet.

If they sense an injury

Dogs may sense an injury on your feet and begin licking them to provide relief or help. They are known to lick their wounds to help them heal faster. Licking your wound or any other injury may be a dog’s way to assist you in relieving the pain. It is said that the saliva in dogs has mild antibacterial properties and may even help you heal the wound faster.

Dogs are also known to detect the condition of your emotional state. If they sense that you are in distress and emotionally down, they may use licking at your feet to offer comfort. However, it may also be noted that not every dog may have this tendency.

It loves the sweaty smell.

The dog may find your sweat or the perfume or moisture that you have applied to be quite pleasing and interesting. This is what would explain why dogs lick feet when sleeping – especially when you have applied moisturizer or cold gel to your feet.

Is it Fine to Let the Dog Lick Your Feet?

If you wish to let the dog lick your feet, it is a matter of personal preference for you. There is nothing bad or good about it as such. Ideally, it should be fine for you to let your dog lick your feet. Avoid letting it lick your feet if you have open wounds  or if you have applied any medications that may be harmful to the dog. You may need to stop the dog if it becomes compulsive or annoying.

When letting the dog lick your feet, the dog owners should pay a special attention to a few factors –

Check your personal comfort levels

Some of you may find the dog licking on their feet comfortable. Some others may find it uncomfortable. Analyze your comfort levels and only then decide if you want to let your dog lick your feet.

Focus on hygiene

Your feet may have bacteria, dirt, dust, and other harmful chemicals. That may be harmful for your dog. You should also avoid it if your feet have open wounds, cuts, and infections.

Train your dog and set boundaries. 

It is important to set boundaries for the licking behavior. Train your dog to show a positive licking behavior. Teaching the dog about which licking behavior is appropriate and which is not can prove to be much effective.

How to Stop your Dog from Licking your Feet?

If you do not want your dog to lick your feet, or if it is becoming annoying, you can follow a few simple techniques to stop it from behaving the way it does. Some techniques that may help stop licking behavior in dogs can include

Cover your feet

Cover your feet with socks or things like that. This will prevent giving the dog any access to your feet. Following this for a continued period may help you stop the licking behavior of dogs. Once your god forgets the licking tendency, you can get back to normalcy.

Do not give them any positive reinforcement

Avoid providing your dog with the positive reinforcement when it licks your feet. The positive reinforcement need not necessarily be some treat or petting. Your giggling or laughing when it licks your dog can also view you as a positive reinforcement. Avoid it and ignore your dog when it licks you. Dogs will often understand the signal gradually and should stop licking.

Give them some other toy

The dog will not lick your feet if it is preoccupied with something else. Every time they attempt to lick your feet, distract them by directing them to a toy that they can keep their mouth busy with.

In Conclusion

Your dog views you as the leader of their pack. And that is why they love grooming and establishing a bond with you. Licking your feet is their way of doing it. Unless it gets quite repetitive and annoying to you, there is nothing you need to be worried about. It can indeed be  a great way to create a perfect bonding with your dog,


Why is my dog constantly licking my legs?

Licking is an instinctive behavior in dogs. They may use the behavior to groom you or show its affection for you. It may also lick your feet when it is stressed out or looking to seek your attention.

What if my dog licks my feet all the time?

While occasional licking of your feet may not be harmful, an excessive licking may not be a good sign. It may indicate that your dog has a behavioral issue and needs to be taken care of. It may be a good idea to seek veterinary assistance.

About the author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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About Author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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