
4 Most Common Reasons Why is my Dog Licking Paws and Shaking Head?

Dogs licking their paws and shaking heads can be a common symptom if it is not much frequent. But, if you notice your dog shaking head incessantly and licking their paws in a consistent manner, it can be an indication of an underlying health condition. It may indicate that the puppy or the dog is facing a little discomfort of some sort. It is thus important to find out why does your dog shake heads and lick paws.

Quick Answer

Dogs generally shake their heads and lick their paws when they are facing any kind of irritation or discomfort. This discomfort can be in the skin, rear end, or ears. Yeast infection or bacterial infection is one of the most common causes of dogs shaking their head and licking paws. Other reasons can include parasitic allergies, environmental allergies, and food intolerances. If you find your dog shaking head and licking paws, it is much essential to find the underlying cause first. 

Why Do Dogs Shake Their Heads?

Shaking head is a way that the dog is trying to get something out of their ear -something that is not expected to be there. It is quite an intuitive way for them to get rid of the foreign particles out of their ears. But, as long as this act is occasional – such as an insect annoying the dog or any other temporary issue, it should not be a concern to find the dog shaking head and licking paws. But, when your dog begins shaking head consistently or rather incessantly, it can indicate a deeper problem.

Ear wax buildup, ear infection and food allergy are a few primary reasons for your dog shaking head and licking paws. However, there can be several other secondary reasons as well. It may be practical to look for the exact reasons for the behaviour before taking corrective action.


The most prominent reasons why your dog shakes head can be considered on the basis of four common issues.

Ear infections

Ear infections are quite common in dogs. It can primarily happen due to the yeast infection. These infections can be very itchy and also can result in discharges from the wounds. This can make the dog to keep shaking its head.

Some common causes for the ear infection would include ears that remain moist, yeast and bacteria, allergies to food or other environmental factors, and mites.

Some of the common ways to identify an ear infection in a dog can be

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Discharge
  • A nasty smell

The discharge due to the ear infection is generally observed to be yellow, green, or brown in color.


It is important to notice that the infection may still be present even when you may not be able to notice it. Some infections do happen deep inside the ear and can be unnoticeable.


Earwax Buildup

Earwax build up is a common problem in dogs, exactly the same as the issue in us humans. Maybe your dog has developed too much earwax, and that is making it uncomfortable. In fact, too much earwax can also lead to infections. It can also block air flow, making your dog discomfort. That is one of the primary reasons to find your dog licking paw and shaking head.

The best way to check for earwax build up is to check the odor in your dog’s ears. If you notice some sort of unpleasant odor along with a lot of gunk, it can be an indication of the earwax buildup. The gunk or smell with no sign of infection, swelling, discharge, and other symptoms of infection can be a clear indication that it is time you need to clean your dog’s ears.

Do not clean the ears of your dogs at home. It is always important to take your dog to the vet periodically for cleaning its ears.

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What does it mean when my dog keeps shaking his head?

The most common reason your dog is shaking its head is the ear infections that it may be facing. These infections can result in severe sort of itching and can also cause a lot of inflammation and discharge. All these factors together may cause the dog to shake its head vigorously.

Some of the other reasons that can induce shaking head in dogs can include

  • Shaking puppy syndrome
  • Ear polyps
  • Bacterial or yeast infection
  • Ear mites
  • Allergies and
  • Stress and anxiety


Yet another cause for your dog shaking its head vigorously can be due the allergies. Remember that there can be several types of allergies that your dog may be going through. It can be due to the environmental factors and food allergies. Analyzing the signs of allergies can be helpful in preventing the head shake in dogs. In some cases, nvironmental allergies can be one of the most common reasons that can cause the dogs to shake their heads or lick their paws. Dogs with allergies to molds and pollens routinely lick their paws.

The primary reasons for allergies can be the environmental factors and parasites such as ticks and fleas. While food allergies can be one of the reasons, it is quite rare to witness food allergy in dogs.

Check This Out

In the case of allergies in dogs, you would notice that head shakes are accompanied by other symptoms as well. Some other tell-tale signs of allergy in dogs can include licking paws, diarrhoea, rashes, and other common symptoms of allergic reaction.

Neurological problems

The last but quite uncommon cause of head shaking in dogs can be due to the neurological issues that the cat may be facing. My dog once had an infection on its tongue, and it was shaking its head in pain. I went on checking out the other symptoms and causes, and finally, it was my veterinarian who guided me to the actual issue. Your dog can also begin eating grass all of a sudden if it feels anxious.

A few of the indicators of the other serious health conditions can be the limping, loss of balance, and even excruciating pain due to some other cause. So, next time you wonder why Why is my Dog Licking Paws and Shaking Head, check out the stress and anxiety factors as well.

A Key Take-Away - The Dog breeds more prone to yeast infection

When it comes to yeast infection, there are some breeds of dogs that are more prone to the infection. Some breeds have it in their genes, and they tend to be more likely to develop yeast infections. I have noticed it in some of my dogs, and based on what I could find, here are a few dog breeds that are more likely to pose a danger and possibility of yeast infection –

  • Basset hounds
  • Chihuahuas
  • Dachshunds
  • Lhasa apsos
  • Poodles
  • Shetland sheepdogs
  • Shih tzus
  • Spaniels
  • Terriers
  • West Highland white terrier

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Why Does My Dog Shake His Head?

There are several reasons that your dog may be shaking his head. While shaking head and licking paws may have different reasons, shking head alone may not be something that you need to be worried about.

Some of the reasons that may make your dog shake his head can include

  • Ear discomfort – Dogs may shake head to relieve something stuck in the ear, get relief from the ear infections, and when ears begin itching. The other signs of ear infection can include redness, discharge from ears, swelling and a foul smell.
  • Hand shy – If your dog is hand shy, it may shake head. They may also do so if they are fearful.
  • Startle – Dogs may shake their head when they are startled.
  • Shaking puppy syndrome – This condition is called hypomyelination. The symptoms of this symptom would include body tremors, balance issues, and difficulty walking.
  • Allergies – Dogs may also shake their head when they are facing any allergy
  • Ear mites – Ear mites can cause several symptoms such as ear infections

Why do Dogs Lick Their Paws After Scratching Their Ears?

If you find your dog scratching ear , then licking paw, it can be a clear indication of an ear infection. In scih a scenario, it  is practical to look for other symptoms which may include shaking head, white or colorless discharge,  yeast like odor, redness and swelling in the ear canal. You may also notice the scbs in the ear. 

Dogs may scratch their ears and then sniff at their paws due to multiple reasons. It can be because of an ear infection, maybe they have something bothering their ears, or they may be feeling itchy. Any irritant in the ear can also cause them lick there paws after scratching their ears.

What Are the Signs of Yeast Infection in Dogs?

Since shaking head and licking paws in dogs is primarily associated with yeast infection, it is advisable to look for the signs of yeast infection so that you can take an adequate step before it is too late. The primary signs of yeast infection in dogs can include 

  • Along with shaking head and liking paws, dogs may even begin biting an area repeatedly.
  • It may keep rubbing itself against the furniture over and again
  • Tilting its head to one side

If the infection grows further, you may witness the following signs –

  • Irritated skin. You may also notice red rash if you look closely.
  • Smelly odor from mouth and body.
  • Sores because of incessant scratching
  • Smelly discharge from ears
  • Skin may develop crusty lesions
  • Thickening of skin


What Can Cause Dogs to Lick Their Paws?

Some of the common causes for dogs licking their paws can be injuries, skin disorders, allergies due to environmental conditions, parasites or foods, or even behavioral issues such as anxiety and boredom. They may also lick their paws soon after finishing their meal, after coming home from a walk, and even before going to sleep. 

Licking paws is a common behavioral pattern in the cats. When you notice a dog licking its paws, you may be wondering why my dog is turning into a cat. Jokes apart, dogs do lick their paws occasionally as part of their grooming. But, it is not as frequent as the cats, though. For that matter, even in the cats, an excessively concentrated grooming may be an indication of an underlying health or behavioral condition. We will discuss it sometime later.

Is it normal for your dog to lick its paws? Well, it can be common and there should be no issues if your dog does that occasionally. It is part of their regular grooming cycle. They lick paws when they come home from a dirty walkway or even after eating something. If the behavior is excessive, it may be a cause for concern.

Some common reasons for a dogs licking their paws can include


Injuries can be one of the common causes for the dog to lick their paws. When you notice an incessant and continuous linking, it is time to examine their feet. I once had my dog uninterested in everything else – including food – and was constantly licking and scratching at his paws. A close examination revealed that he had a small thorn like object stuck in the underside of his feet. If you notice your dog licking its paw too much, make sure to check his nails, paw pads, and the spaces in between toes and their fur. Itching due to the foreign objects can make them indulge in licking paws or shaking heads.

The Toenail injury is one of the possible causes if your dog keeps licking the paws. In such a scenario, provide the basic aids first and then refer the dog to the veterinarian for further care.

Overgrown nails can be yet another reason that can make it uncomfortable for the dog and can induce paw licking. Indulge in regular nail rimming. You can get a little training on how to do it or even consider taking the dog to a groomer to trim the nails.

Sprain or fracture is yet another possible cause that can make the dog to lick paws. This can be indicated by limping or crying on any sort of movement. Once again, this will need a veterinary intervention.

Burns are another possible cause of injury. Your dog might have walked on a really hot concrete, or it might have moved through the fire that it failed to notice. Burns and blisters can also be caused due to some chemical cleaning agents. A good indication of the burns can be cracked or reddish paws. Your vet may suggest the right sort of remedies to fight the burn.

Allergies and Skin problems

The allergies due to food or other reasons, or even skin ailments, can result in making the dog lick their paws. An allergy can be due to environmental conditions or food. The skin issues can include infections and wounds.

Dermatitis is one of the common conditions for making the dog lick its paws. It may be noted that dermatitis in itself may be caused due to a host of other reasons. A visit to the veterinarian should help you fix the issue. Some of the causes of dermatitis can include chemicals used in the garden, some types of grass, and certain plants.

The dry skin is yet another primary cause for injuries that may make your dog make lick its paws. A good indicator of the dry skin can be the flakes and dandruff in your dog’s fur. You can use moisturizing creams to help ease the symptoms. This will help them provide them supplements such as Omega-3 oils.

Allergies can result in itchiness and irritation just as they would cause the issues in humans. The allergies in dogs may result from factors arising out of food, environment, or even as a result of the contact with any irritant. If you notice that licking paws is a result of food allergy, it may be worthwhile to check out the food elimination technique for finding the allergens.

Bacterial and fungal infections

Yet another cause for your dog licking paws can be due to the bacterial and fungal infections. If you suspect anything like this, it is advisable to use anti-fungal baths and medicated creams to treat the condition. Cleaning the area on a daily basis may also be a good option to help you fix the issues. Dog scratching ears and other parts of its body frequently is also an indicator of the bacterial infection.

Infections can also make your dog have fishy breath. Learn how to fix the fishy breath in dogs.

Ticks, mites and insects

If your dog has been going out quite regularly, it can be an invitation to the ticks, fleas, and other parasites. If you find your dog keeps shaking head and licking paws simultaneously, it may be an indication of ticks and fleas affecting it. These parasites are very tiny and can hide under the fur. They can make dogs irritable and annoyed. Your vet may prescribe tropical oral medications to treat the itchy skin conditions. A medicated bath for a few days can also help get rid of the skin irritation. If the situation does not improve, it may be a good idea to call a vet for a more detailed examination and resolution. They should help you with the best tips on how to stop dog from licking paws and shaking head

How to Prevent Your Dog from Scratching and Licking?

If you find your dog is shaking his head and licking paws excessively, it is important to check for the underlying cause of the itchy paws or other issues.

No tried and tested method can help prevent dogs from scratching their ears or licking their paws. The only way that you can take care to prevent the issues is to take a few preventive actions and hope for the best. If you find your dog keeps shaking head and licking paws.

Some of the best preventive options that I can suggest based on my own personal experiences would be

  • Keep your pet well-groomed -  Ensure that your dog has maintained a good hygiene. A quick head shake every now and then may be fine, but if you notice the pattern of the headshake different from normal, consult your veterinarian for the tips. He may suggest bathing or swimming as a few good habits that your dog can develop. While bathing, consider using a mild pet shampoo. Make sure that you do not get water or soap in their ears. This can be more practical if you find your dog  is shaking his head and licking his paws excessively.
  • Provide them a balanced diet- Food plays a major role in immunity. Feed the food that is rich in fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. If you think your dog has infections from bacteria and yeast, I would suggest you to get in touch with the veterinarian as soon as possible. He may suggest a specific diet to help relieve itching.
  • Avoid fleas and ticks - The fleas and ticks are the primary cause of concern for most of the issues involving inflammation of the skin. Using monthly flea and tick preventatives may be helpful to help prevent or treat your dog's condition. You may also check out a few home remedy options to take care of tick prevention.
  • Protect the dog from the sun - Excessie sun may also be a cause for dog allergies. Too much of sun can cause sunburn or skin irritation. In extreme cases, it may also cause skin cancer. Provide a proper shade for your dog if you live in a region that receives a lot of sunlight.
  • Check out the symptoms of skin ailments - Keep checking your dog for any signs of skin issues and infections. Some of these signs may include itching and redness. The appearance of bald spots can also be a cause for concern. Consult your vet for the right plan to treat the skin ailments right ahead of time. The early treatment may help avoid the unwanted complications going forward.
Key Takeaway- What can I Rub on my dog for itching?

Itching can happen as a result of several issues. The phenomenon of itching is called Pruritis and it is quite common in dogs. However, it can be of concern if it gets severe.

On the personal front, I have observed this affecting one of my neighbor’s dogs. When she asked me for help and advice, it made me look for the remedies that can help fix the problem. My research with the local vets and the internet helped me find a fe home remedis for itching.

Some items that you can rub on the parts of the body that itch can include

  • Coconut oil – It helps soothe the itchiness. Make sure to use unrefined or organic coconut oil
  • Baking Soda – Use water to make a thick paste and rub it on the itchy skin. Rinse it off after 20 minutes
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar has anti fungal and antibacterial properties making it a good home remedy for itchiness in dogs
  • Aloe Vera – Just like with humans, Aloe Vera can also be quite effective for dogs and their skin.
  • Honey – Honey is a natural cure for many ailments. It also has anti inflammatory properties.

Home Remedies for Preventing Dogs shaking head and Licking Paws

While the veterinary care is extremely important to prevent ear infections due to which the dog keeps scratching ears or paws, a few home remedies may also prove to be a good option to address the concern. Given the fact that the head shaking in dogs is caused due to several reasons that include ear infections, allergies, foreign objects, or even neurological issues, each of these scenarios needs to be addressed to keep your furry friends healthy.

Some best home remedies for preventing dog shaking head can include

Clean your dog’s ears – If you notice that your dog’s head shake different from being normal, it is safe to assume that it has some sort of ear infection. Clean its ears thoroughly, taking care not to damage the ear canal or get water into the ear canal. Use an ear cleaning solution approved by your vet. You may also consult a vet online for the best possible remedies.

Apply Hot compress – A hot compress or a warm compress may be helpful in soothing the discomfort caused due to the ear infections. You can use a clean, damp washcloth.

Change the diet for your dog – Changing the diet for your dog may be yet another reliable solution to prevent head shakes if it is due to allergies. Switch to a high-quality, hypoallergenic diet. Make sure that your dog gets all the necessary nutrients as part of his diet. Avoid the foods that have allergens in them.

Go with natural remedies – Use of natural remedies such as chamomile tea or calendula oil can help treat the skin infections and other allergens. It can be helpful in soothing the irritation and inflammation. in the ears of your dog. However, it is advisable to get in touch with your veterinarian before moving to any natural remedies.

Make sure that your dog’s ears are dry – Moist ears can be a concern and can invite the yeast infection or even bacterial infections in many dogs. After your dog has had bathing or swimming, ensure that you have dried the ears thoroughly. This will also help to get the water into the ears.

Takeaway - Is Shaking Head same as 'Shake Off'?

Dogs involve themselves in Shaking head due to issues like ear infection, but they also exhibit a sign called Shake Off. Shake Off is extremely different from shaking head. Vets and animal experts state that shaking off is a technique dogs use to release any stressful situation their body. This is a common behaviour and this is how dogs tend to calm themselves.

Dogs also exhiti the behaviour of shaking off when they meet another dog. After sniffing each other, the two dogs who meet for the first time shake off their heads. Shake off in dogs can be comparable to shaking hands in humans. The behaviour of shaking heads or even entire body is observed in puppies when they are having a play time.

It is most essential to differentiate between head shake and shake off. Dogs generally shake their entire body instead of shaking just their head. This is a technique that dogs indulge in to take them out of any stressful situation. This is a way that they use to calm themselves. Head shake is different from Shake Off, and the latter is a natural phenomenon.[/su_box]

You may also want to know how to remove cat pee smell from your couch.

Best Treatment for Dogs Ear Infections

Some good  natural treatments for dogs' ear infections can include

  • Use brewed and cooled green tea to clean your dog's ear. Use a cotton swab made of pure cotton. Do not use synthetic cotton. Do not pour the tea into the ear canal as it may push the debris further into the ear canal.
  • Olive oil, slightly warmed, can also be a good cleaner for dog's ears (In fact, olive oil also works great in cleaning even human ears. My family regularly uses it for cleaning the ear canal). Do not use an excessive amount of oil, though. Pour a few drops and use a cotton swab to clean out the debris.
  • Dab a cotton ball in a solution of Hydrogen peroxide and clean your dog's ears. Adding a few drops of coconut oil may also act as a good cleanser for your dog's ears.
  • You may also use Apple Cider vinegar in equal parts of water to clean the ears of your dog effectively.

The Concluding Thoughts

Well, that whole discussion might have helped you understand what makes the dog shake his head or lick his paws. Understanding the reasons and the right prevention techniques will help you in making the life of your pets more bearable. If you suspect any issues, you can devise a treatment plan to help you stay in good health. The home remedies suggested here can further help you achieve more positive results in taking care of your dogs and cats.

About the author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.


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About Author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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