Have you witnessed many fish dying in your Aquarium? The most possible reason is a high pH level in the water. If you are looking for the best ways to lower pH...
Category - Fish
Have you ever observed your fish swimming upside down and still alive? Well, there are a few species of fish that do that as part of their routine. But, if you...
If you are an aquarist, you might probably be looking to find all your fish swirling and dancing all through the tank. But, there are times when you may notice...
If you are looking to make a beginning with an aquarium, Betta Fish is perhaps the starting point to begin with. But, wait. Even when they appear to be the...
When it comes to regular maintenance of your aquarium, it is essential to pay enough attention to cleaning the gravel in your aquarium. That is more so because...
If you are an aquarium lover, I am sure you would have at least one oscar in your tank. They are invariably one of the most popular aquarium inhabitants...
If you have been a die hard aquarist, we are sure that you might have been aware of the havocby an overgrowth of algae created in an aquarium. As an aquarist...
Koi fish is one of the beautiful aquarium fish that most aquarists love keeping. However, owning a koi fish can be a huge commitment. Not because they are high...
Are you an aquarist and want to know what is the best water for aquarium? Well, that should be interesting question. As a die-hard aquarium fan myself, I have...
If you are a fish lover and keep an aquarium, Betta and Angelfish are the two most commonly kept fish species. But, have you ever wondered if can you keep...