
Why Does My Cat Pull Out His Penis and Lick It? (Feline Secrets you need to know!)

Your cat, your furball, is always quie cute and interesting, but it can be a source of embarrassment at times. You may love your cat playing with its toys or indulging in its special cat behavior that only we cat owners can understand, But, have you ever wondered why does your cat push out his penis and lick it? That can be much embarrassing – especially when you have friends at your home.

Quick Answer

A cat may lick its privates for a variety of reasons. It can be a part of its cleaning regime, or it may have some sort of pain and discomfort that may make it lick it. Some other reasons may include blockage to urination, or any other reasons of inflammation. 

Why Does My Cat Pull Out His Penis and Lick it?

Your male cat pulling out his penis and licking it is quite common and it may be a common way to groom itself. However, it it gets excessive, it may be high time you can take the right action. The symptoms may typically go if you neuter a cat, but sometimes, the behaviour is also observed in neutered cats as well.

why does my cat pull out his penis and lick it

Some of the common reasons that you may witness an erect cat can include


Taking out their penis and licking it may be a method to groom itself for your cat. Grooming is a very common feline practice. Cats are quite flexible and can reach almost every part off their body. Thye may pull out penis and lick it just to clean it properly.

It is quite common for all cats to groom themselves – whether neutered or not. Even female cats lick their genitals an clean it, but the sign becomes a little embarrassing with a male cat because it pulls out the penis and then licks it.

Libido or sex drive

This can be the primary reason for any male animal – including humans – to pull out their penis and handle it. Cats attain puberty at the age of 5 to 6 months. A very young cat may have more urgent and frequent sexual urges when compared to the senior cats.

If he feels there is a horny female cat in its surroundings, he may have more libido than usual. It can make him get an erection and when there is no option to mate, he may simply pull out his penis and lick it. That can somewhat be compared to the act of masturbation in humans.


Have you seen your cat purring on your body, kneading you and then pulling out his penis? This is a common and a mechanical reaction. It happens automatically, and there is no reason behind it. In these cases, your cat does not take out his penis for any sexual purposes, but it is spontaneous rreflex reaction of the body.

Urinary tract infection

This can be a serious concern and may need you take your cat to a veterinarian. This is typically indicated by the behaviour which includes taking out the penis quite often, finding it difficult to urinate, or even urinating outside the litter box. Your vet should be able to check your cat and offer any assistance which may include antibiotics.

Some common signs of urinary tract infection in cats would include

  • Erections that do not indicate any sexual behavior or reflex reactions.
  • Excessive licking of genitals
  • Signs of pain in the stomach when peeing
  • Urinating quite often in very less quantities
  • Urinating outside the litter box

Cat Penis Out – Any Serious Concern?

If you find your cat’s penis out for no practical reasons as outlined above, it may be due to a medical condition. The most common concern can be feline urethral obstruction (FUO). If you find your cat unable to retract its penis, it can lead to severe issues. The penis should not be left outside the shaft for prolonged period. That can lead to severe complications.

However, a male cat pushing out its penis when licking itself may be common. In these cases, the penis retracts back into position soon enough. However, continuous licking or cleaning of penis can indicate a possibility of soreness and uncomforrtability. A penis sticking out may also be a sign of a urinary tract infection or feline cystitis.  

Can a Spayed Cat take Out his Penis?

Yes, just like normal ccats, neutered cats show the signs of erections. It can be a part of their grooming, or a sign that they are happy. However, neutered cats do not have the sexual thoughts and libido in their mind when they get erections. I have a female cat which is neuetered, but she lifts her bum when petted. This is just a sign of happiness and not something sexual.

When a cat is neutered or spayed, his testiclees are removed. But, his penis continues to remain functional. Blood can pump into his penis, and this would mean he would get a physical erection. However, the frequency of an erection would be much less when you compare it to the non-neutered male cats.

Do Cats Self pleasure?

Pleasuring self in cats is quite common. It can result due to several reasons, even in altered cats. Non neutered cats indulge in this activity by  by licking their penis, and in most of the cases, they would mount soft objets such as blankets to relieve their sexual tension.

Cats – especially those in the younger age – tend to get a huge libido. If they do not find a female ccat in their vicinity, they would attempt to pleasure themselves. The most common way to do this is to lick themselves or mount on any soft objects. If you notice any such behaviour in your cat, do not shoo them or punish them. It is just a normal behaviour and nothing wrong in it. Youur cat has every right for pleasuring itself.

Is It Normal for Cats to Lick Their Privates?

Yes, when it comes a normal behaviour for cats, it is absolutely fine for the cats to lick their privates. They lick their private parts to clean of dirt and debris. It may also be a means of self pleasure. If within limits, it should not be a cause for concern. 

However, licking the privates without any obvious reason or appears to be quite excessive, it may be a cause for concern. It may indicate the issues such as UTI. However, it can also have a few other symptoms like crying when urinating or frequent attempts at urinating. They may also begin peeing everywhere.

The Closing Thoughts

A cat pulling out his penis and licking it is never a concern unless it is marked by any specific other signs. One common illness that can result in excessive licking of genitaals in cats is when it has urinary tract infection. As long as you or your vet does not suspect of any such issue, you need not worry about your cat and its behaviour.

Let your cat enjoy its normal life and give it the freedom that it deserves.

About the author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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About Author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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