Other Pets

Can you Keep Ducks as Pets? #PetDucks

Are you someone like me who gets mesmerised at the beautiful and majestic ducks swimming across a pond or lake? Have you ever wondered if you can keep ducks as pets? Well, yes, you can keep ducks as pets. There are people  who have been bringing those wonderful birds into their homes.

Yes, you can keep ducks as pets. They cn be a great addition to home as they are entertaining and beautiful. But, keeping ducks as pets is not for everyone. Even when they do not need much maintenance, they may end up a little difficult to handle as they live outside your home, and in the open. 

Can You Keep Ducks as Pets?

Yes, in most parts of the world, it is not an issue to keep ducks as a pet. You can definitely enjoy the company of your pet duck as long as you take a proper care off them. However, the first thing you may need to check is to find the local regulations in your region to ascertain whether it is permitted to keep them.

can you keep duck as pets

Keeping ducks may need you to have some commitments. Even when they are extremely low maintenance, you will need to provide the minimal care to your ducks. Moreover, some regions may not permit keeping ducks as pets outside. A few areas permit keeping chicken, and not any other bird.

Are Ducks Mammals or Amphibians?

No, ducks are not mammals. They are birds and belong to the species of Aves. They are also known as waterfowl as they are found typically in water bodies such as ponds, streams, and rivers. Ducks are found in bot seawater and freshwater. 

The ducks have the characteristics of birds.  They lay eggs with hard shells just as birds do. They are warm-blooded and have feathers. In fact, the ducks do have almost every characteristic of birds, such as they have beaks and no teeth. People tend to get confused about ducks as mammals because of their fur-like feathers. They are thought to be amphibians because they live both on land and in water.

Are Ducks Loud Pets?

Ducks tend to be loud pets. In fact, they can be louder than most other indoor pets, such as hamsters, fish, and rabbits. However, when you compare them to dogs and cats, they can be considered quieter. 

You would find the ducks quite quieter when you compare them to other pets or farm animals  such as  geese, peacocks, guinea fowl, and donkeys. They can get noisy, when they want something from you. Even among them, Drakes are more noisy than the hens. Since ducks are social birds, just one single quack from one of them can set off  a series or chain quacks. You would also find them making a lot of noise if you have housed a huge number of birds in a constricted place. 

Can You House Train Ducks?

No, you cannot house-train ducks. Ducks have no sphincter muscles and thus do not have any control over urination and defecation. You can never potty train ducks as they defecate once every 10 to 30 minutes. 

Ducks keep foraging through the day. The food goes in from the mouth, the GI tract processes it, and then it goes from the other end. You can perhaps use duck diapers.

Things to Consider When Keeping Ducks as Pets

Duckss are considered to be low maintenance, but they can be high maintenance when compared to chickens. Unlike chickens, they need an enormous amount of water. They have a continued need for fresh water which they tend to soil. You will need to provide the fresh and clean water on a regular basis.

Some of the things that you need to consider when keeping ducks as pets include

  • Never keep the ducks indoors- You may love keeping the ducks inside your home, but remember that the ducks are not adjusted to an indoors lifestyle. Ducks like looking for food in the grass or shallow water. If you keep them inside, it can bee equivalent to being cruel to them.
  • They are Social animals – Ducks are social animals and they do not like living alone. It is advised to keep them in flock. Never leave them caged for hours.
  • They may not like petting – Ducks are not meant to be petted. Most breeds of ducks do not let you pet them on you lap or cuddle beside you. However, they do develop an emotional bonding with their keepers. Ducks love it when their bellies are gently rubbed. However, they may follow you around at times.
  • Provide proper attractions – Ducks are attracted to the shiny objects. Provide them with the things such as mirrors, strings with bells attached and any other item that shimmers.
  • Avoid harmful chemicals – They may be uncomfortable with the toxic smells. Some good examples can be the fragrances used in the hairspray, perfumes and aftershave products. These may be harmful for the ducks.
  • Some ducks love music – Some duck breeds love listening to music. However, make sure to play music for them only after they have become accustomed to you and the new environment.

Are Ducks Smart?

Yes, ducks are indeed smart and intelligent. They can indulge in several activities which include playing with toys, giving kisses, demanding treats, performing athletic feats and understanding commands. You can train the ducks through resilience, patience, routine and resonance.

Ducks have more personality than chickens. Ducks and ducklings tend to imprint on humans. Chickens are not capable of this.

Ducks are more intelligent than chicken in many ways. A few ways that they exhibit their intelligence can include

  • They can imprint on humans better than chicken. When a duckling sees a human for the first time, it will follow the person as if it is following its mother.
  • They can be kept in confined spaces with ease. They are smart enough to understand how to stay put in a confined space.
  • They tend to be smarter in hunting the snails and slugs.
  • They have a better communication compared to the chickens. When in distress or trouble, they can make their demands known better than the chickens.
Do ducks make good pets?

Yes, ducks definitely make good pets. They are lively and gentle. The best part is that they live up to 20 years, making them absolutely great pets in the long run. However, to ensure that the ducks  end up as good pets if you have the right space and environment they need. 

Ducks can understand your emotions and play with you. If you handle them properly right from the young age, they can become extremely friendly and sociable. However, you cannot pick them and cuddle as you would with a puppy or a cat, It should be remembered that ducks are not for everyone and come with a few responsibilities.

Can You Buy Ducks as Pets?

Yes, you can buy ducks as pets. You can either buy them from your local pet stores or even online. However, check if your local regulations permit you to keep ducks as pets. 

Ducks can be an excellent pet. Bantan breeds are the most preferred duck breeds. These are both entertaining and pleasant. However, you should be willing to handle a few responsibilities when handling them. It may be noticed that ducks are not for everyone. You should ensure that you have enough space and environment that supports their normal behaviour.

Are Ducks High Maintenance?

Yes, Ducks are high maintenance. They would require a lot of care and attention. They would need a lot of fresh water, which they soil quite frequently. You will need to change the water quite frequently. They also relieve themselves every 10 to 30 minutes.

One of the major issues with ducks is that they cannot be trained to defected in one spot. These birds tend to be very very messy and smelly. Their feeding also tends to be quite high end. Ducks need to fed a 16-17% protein diet that has 3-4% calcium. 

Some of the reasons why ducks tend to be high maintenance include

  • They need feeding and watering quite frequently.
  • You will need to clean their living areas multiple times a day
  • It is also necessary to clean the coops completely almost once every six months.

Can You Keep Ducks Inside?

No, ducks are NOT indoor pets. Their lifestyle does not suit the indoors. They need a vast and clan area to roam around and preen themselves. They are also messy and smelly, and thus do not suit the indoor environment. 

You can keep ducklings as indoor pets. However, when they grow up, you need to leave them in the outside space. Never keep a duck inside. Even when that may appear to be an excellent option, you are being cruel to them by keeping them inside.

Can You Train Ducks as Pets?

Yes, ducks are easy to train. Since they are smarter than chickens, they tend to be better trainable. You can teach them to respond to their names, feeling comfortable being petted, giving kisses and cuddles and appreciting a head, neck and back scratch. 

To train a duck, you need to use the techniques that involve resilience, routine and resonance. I would advise based on my experience to train them from the young age. The best way is to spend a lot of time with them and give them treats whenever they respond as expected. Begin handling them gently and right from a young age, thereby making them receptive to training. yet another important point to follow is to talk calmly to them.

How to Take Care of Pet Ducks?

If you think you are comfortable with what has been discussed above, you can simply go ahead and get yourself a pet duck. Once you have brought a new duck into your family, make sure to make proper arrangements for its care.

Duck Coop

You will need to prepare a properly enclosed duck coop that is predator proof. Since the ducks are prey birds, it is always important to take an adequate care to protect them from predators. Unlike chickens, they do not fly or perch on top. Ducks need a lot of floor space. So, when making  a duck poop, or duck house, make sure to provide enough floor space to move around. You may also need to provide some sort of bedding – done with linoleum, tarps or a rubberized floor coating.

A safe and enclosed yard

When the ducks are not in the coop, they keep moving as they forage for food. An fencing may be the best option to help keep your ducks secure and safe from the predators. Even when you may be living in an urban area, there are many predators that may find your ducks quite appealing. An eclectic fencing – if feasible – may be a good option.

Swimming tub or bathtub

Ducks are made for swimming. Make sure that you have a swimming pond made for them. However, you will need to clean up the water at regular intervals. Ducks are fond of swimming, bathing, splashing and drinking water. Most part of their life moves around water. In fact, they need water at all times. It is highly advisable to have a bigger pond if possible and if the size of your backyard permits it.

Duck food

Yes, you hear me right – there is a thing called duck food. Most of the duck keepers feed chicken feed to their ducks. NEVER do that. The nutritional requirements of ducks is entirely different from that of chickens. Ducks require more niacin than the chicken. Check if your local store has waterflow food meant for ducks.

you may also be interested in – Do Birds Make Great Pets? Unraveling the Pros and Cons of Avian Companionship

Duck Treats

Ducks love treats. If you want to have a close relationship with your duck, make sure that you are feeding their speocal duck treats every now and then. This can also help you in creating a special bonding with your ducks. You do not need to buy them either. One of the most preferred duck treat would include fresh, leafy green vegetables. Carrots, ripe tomatoes, pumpkin, squash, oats, berries, bananas – you can try out any of them.

How Do Ducks Give Kisses?

Ducks give kisses through several ways. One of the ways they give kisses is through the actions like gnawing on your toes, hands, and feet. This is commonly observed when you feed them or when you want to show gratitude to them. Ducks are very smart and intelligent. They can understand the command put forth to them.

Ducks tend to be quite emotional animals and can even understand commands. They can express their views and emotions in several ways. If you are able to spend enough time and tame them, they will begin giving kisses to you. However, they are never cuddly and do not like being petted.

What are the advantages of keeping duck as a pet?

Well, Ducks often prove to be the best pet if you can handle them properly. As a breeder or keeper, you need to learn how to keep them comfortable and happy at their best.

Some benefits of keeping a duck as a pet include

Get a lot of duck eggs

Having a good supply of eggs for breakfast may be a great advantage that you get when you keep ducks as pets. Of course, you would also love to breed some of them into ducklings. If you do not like eggs, you can sell them for earning an extra income.

Duck eggs can be a good choice for a passie income. Ducks continue to lay eggs until they are 6 to 8 years old.

They are cutest 

Those little ducklings are indeed cute to watch. You would find it really difficult not to fall in love with them. Baby ducklings may be the best choice to create a bonding, and I assure you that they do return the favor!

They come with a huge entertainment value

Have you ever watched a group of ducks moving around water? That would be  a cute sight to watch. People spend thousands of dollars to spend time with ducks at a lake or pond. Why don’t you have your own personal pond at you backyard? Their quack can be something that you will pay anything to hear.

Disadvantages of Keeping Ducks as Pets

As with the advantages, the ducks can also have a few disadvantages as well. Some of them may be listed as here below

They grow fast

Ducklings grow fast. As they grow, all of them get bigger and less fluffy. They tend to grow to more than seven times of their original size. Too many grown up ducks may not be easy to manage or handle.

They can be much messy

Of course, ducks and ducklings are cute, but they are equally messy. The faeces of the ducks is what would make them a little awkward to handle. They keep pooping frequently, and their poop is unbearable. You will find their poop literally everywhere and cleaning it up can be a pain in the neck. No matter how hard you try, it can be very difficult to handle the messy smell. It can be very tough to keep the backyard clean and dry.

Noise pollution

Ducks can be loud. Even when you may not be bothered by the louder noise, your neighbors may be bothered. Ducks are social and they love communicating a lot. This same beautiful trait can turn into a pain when they are in a huge group. They are indeed great and expert to chat, but are you and your neighbours ready for it?

How Long do Ducks Live?

The average lifespan of a duck is 5 to 10 years in the wild and 10 to 15 years when kept in captivity. However, the exact lifespan may be dependent on the duck breed. They may even live up to 20 years. Mallard ducks are known to live typically for 5 to 10 years. 

Smaller duck breeds tend to live longer than the larger breeds. The larger breeds of ducks may have the shortest lifespan and do not live beyond five to seven years. If you are taking an absolute care of your duck, they can live to up to 20 years. In fact, it is always known that birds tend to live longer than the animals.

In Conclusion

Well, the discussion above should have given you a clear idea into how to keep ducks as pets. Ducks can be an amazingly friendly and cute pet. However, they may need you to do some extra work, when compared to the chickens. Do your homework and check out the best options in terms of keeping the ducks as your pet.


Do ducks make good indoor pets?

Ducks are not suited to be indoor pets. They are social birds, and want to live in flocks. They do not do well when alone. They also like being outside, foraging, and splashing around in water.



About the author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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About Author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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