
Why is My Dog Chasing Its Tail?

A dog chasing its tail and biting it is a universal scene. You might have seen it in videos, memes, and even in reality. But, have you ever wondered why do dogs chase tails?  It can either be a playful behaviour or may even be something obsessive. It is quite useful to observe the typical behaviour and analyze it so that you can take a few remedial actions if needed.

A typical reason for a dog chasing its tail can be a playful behaviour. It can also be a means to burn off the extra energy. Your dog may also do it to attract your attention. In severe situations, it may be due to itching or pain. It may also be a sign of a seizure disorder. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. 

Why do Dogs Chase Tail?

Your dog may chase their tail for a variety of reasons. It is possible that your dog as a puppy may realise its tail and thus want to check it out with its mouth. There may also be other reasons that may make your dog to chase its tail.

dog chasing tail
Credits –YouTube

Your dog might be bored

Your dog needs a lot of activities. They need these exercises for the emotional, physical and mental requirements. When it does not have the right options for these activities, it may get bored and indulge in these sort of activities.

If that is the case, how can you resolve it?

  • Walk your dog every day
  • Let it play it with the other dogs in the locality
  • Provide it the other options such as chewing and swimming

Your dog may be anxious or stressed out

Chronic stress or any other similar conditions can make the dog indulge in activities such as chasing the tail. Tail chasing may make your dog avoid the issues like these frightening conditions.

The activity can help provide enough relief to the dog. It could be due to the fact when the dog is separated from the family. Offering a good enriching atmosphere to your dog can help you avoid the issues and behaviour.

It can be due to the medical conditions

Do you find that your dog is chasing its tail quite frequently, it is possibly due to certain medical conditions. A sudden occurrence or increase in the behaviour can be due to a newly arising medical condition.

Some of these cases would include

  • Irritated rectum
  • Parasitic infection
  • Flea or tick infestation
  • Pain
  • Cancer

It may be trying to seek attention

Dogs chasing their tail can be a reason for seeking attention. It may be a trick that your dog may be playing with you. It makes an attempt to attract your attention and excitement.

Your dog will feel incentivized whenever it does so. Puppies tend to indulge in this behaviour more often than the adult dogs. If you notice any sort of behaviour that belongs to this category, we advise you not to worry.

It may be a compulsive behaviour

Tail-chasing can be a result of Canine compulsive disorder (CCD). There are times when your dog may be indulging in bahaviour and it can interrupt with its daily activities such as eating and drinking.

Some of the dogs with CCD can snap, bite and chew on their tail causing injuries. If you notice any such behaviour, we would advise you to consult your vet immediately.

Key Takeaway

Canine compulsive disorder (CCD) is typically observed in a few specific categories of dogs such as 

  • Bull Terriers
  • Miniature Bull Terriers
  • German Shepherds
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers


Genetics can be yet another cause for chasing tails for many reasons. As a report in the Journal of Small Animal Practice, there can be a relation between the high blood cholesterol and tail chasing in dogs.

However, it may be noticed that this can be a more less prevalent reason and not much observed. Your vet should be in a good position to help you understand the conditions better.

Fleas and parasitic infestations

The tip of the tail is one of the most common body parts in a dog that can invite insect bites and fleas. Dogs chew their tails to help alleviate the flea bites and irritation.

If you suspect any such issues, check the fleas and issues. Use a fine comb to clean up the coat and thus you can easily remove the fleas and their flea dirt.

Do any specific breeds of dogs indulge in tail chasing?

Yes, there are some breeds that specifically indulge in chasing tail. Some of the dog breeds that keep chasing their tail can include border collies, German shepherds, golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, and Cardigan Welsh corgis.

The dog breeds that have higher energy levels and fluffy tails tend to chase their tails more than the other breeds. The behaviour is also seen in mixed breed dogs which have longer tails.

Why do dogs chew their tails?

Dogs show behaviours such as tail biting and chewing when they are facing any sort of anxiety. You may notice it primarily when you have new guests at your home, or in natural scenarios such as thunderstorms.

Tail chasing is entirely different from tail chewing. Dogs indulge in tail chewing as a means of getting attention. When you notice your dog chewing its tail, stop it right away. This will help avoid the injuries if any. Schedule an appointment with your vet immediately. They should be able to help you.

In Conclusion

If you notice your dog is chasing its tail, it can have several causes behind it. You can check out some of the common reasons that we have outlined in the above discussion.  This should have made you understand and learn why dogs chase their tails.

About the author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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About Author

Timmappa Kamat

Timmappa Kamat is a pet lover and a dedicated writer specializing in the captivating world of pets. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to DreamyMammals. He grew up surrounded by pets since his childhood and this made him develop a connection with animals. This has sparked a lifelong curiosity for understanding and communicating with pets.
Writing style of Timmappa Kamat is characterised by a warm and friendly tone, making complex pet-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. He loves sharing the animal behaviour with a persoanl touch. He creates articles that resonate with pet owners, thanks to their relatable and informative nature.

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